December 17, 2007

A busy lazy!

Wow it was so long ago I posted!!!
I have been so busy I have been lazy!!!
Since I last posted I HAVE NOT been to the gym though I have been doing some kind of fitness, goodness and eating BAD BAD BAD but I still happened to lose weight which is a good thing but I am not counting on that always happening when I have been bad.
Also a teenage dream has come true, I went to a Marillion concert last Tuesday and I LOVE IT!!!!!!! I am actually still on a high about it and cant get it out of my mind!! was a fantastic night, even if I was freaking out and sweating and shaking and about to stop breathing because I was driving in the center of Amsterdam and when I say center I really mean it!!! that phobia is now a little (I state little) better!!!!
Well that is all for this minute, I will go into detail in the next post I just wanted you all to know I am still alive and kicking..


Anonymous said...

Well, at least you had lunch today!!! ;-)

Jill said...

Shut up about the lunch you bitches!! LOL Tracey, make sure you tell the world who helped you conquer your fear of driving in big ass cities!!!! (BIG CHEESY GRIN)