Marillion!!! they rock, loved them for years though my love for them was put on the back burner till I met someone who has the same kind of taste in music as me then the love affair was rekindled.
The tickets in my hand unable to control my excitement you could have put a million dollars at my feet and I would have ignored it, I only had eyes for them tickets!!
I jumped in my car early to get my music lover in crime, which was a good thing because I had only ever been to his house once before and ended up getting lost, nothing new there I even get lost with a navigation system. When I did arrive I had my nerves and excitement somewhat under control though my phobia of driving in cities was sitting there just bursting to come out. Me Driving in Amsterdam, and I mean the center of Amsterdam wow everyone run for cover, it was a matter of closing my eyes and when I hear co-passenger gasp I put my foot on the breaks!
We did make it to a parking lot and got to the venue on time OMG The excitement hit a high, if I was not wearing such I long top you would have noticed my excitement..!!!
I did look somewhat out of place though, people in "rock" t-shirts and jeans, some look like they had just finished painting their house and turned up to the concert, Me, nice "dress jeans" lovely top, my everyday stilettos, and a dress scarf, I looked rather sexy and I was not short of looks though I put that down to standing out in my cloths.
Right first things first DRINK!!!! as lady like and sexy as I looked I had a huge vase of beer **chuckles** its the only place a lady can get away with that, at a concert!
**drum roll** then it happened, they come on stage **tries not to faint** leaning on music companion I did get wobbly legs, let the truth be known I had shaking legs for about an hour before and I thought it was because of the workout I had done that morning but hey I look for excuses for things that can not be excused lol
Finding it very hard to clap with a glass in my hand and worried of scaring the company with me I had to do the unthinkable **blushes and looks around** fingers in the mouth and WHISTLE!!!! OHH MY GOD... the place where we were was amazing, so close but not to close, never wanted to be front row, got no interest in looking up their jeans, some distance back is good as you can see everything.
OMG what else can I say.. it was a dream come true and being there with someone who loves the music also was just a bonus. I had the best night of my life, yes it is true and it is not an over exaggeration it is a night that will always be a high point of my life, I can not express my feelings on how good it was, orgasmic is an understatement.
Was great, good company, great band, even got a phone number when waiting for my coat lol what else could I ask for? **evil grin** well I know but it was late when I dropped him off home lol (joking and you know it :P )
So to all the people who were involved in making a dream come true THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Just in case you want the dream to keep coming true Marillion return soon lol
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