January 03, 2007

Day 2 of all out war

Here I was thinking I will put my nose to the grind stone and get everything in order so I am truly happy, well didn't that just back fire big time!!???
It has been all out war in the house and I just cant handle it, Jan 1 late in the evening I grabbed the car keys and went sleeping in the car, and damn was it cold, I had enough shit and sick of people not listening and expecting the world to revolve around then but above all I am expected to be a mind reader as males seem to have this thing where they don't like to talk but we are expected to know what they are thinking.
oh and feelings ? Apparently men have them but refuse to talk about them but we are meant to understand what they are feeling..
I had it up to the eyeballs, shit had hit the fan and I refused to clean it.
So just when I thought things could not get any worse then freezing my arse off in the car in my PJ's in the middle of a forest car park, I found out that because I was "homeless" ( at this stage of the game) and I was no longer living with my sponsor, I could no longer stay in the country and seeing I am not allowed to go anywhere at all with my daughter it would mean going to Australia without her, and to even add to that my passport expires in April but due to its condition I need a new one but NOOOOO I am not allowed to apply for a new one, and goodness knows why!!! I am waiting for the embassy to call me back.
Things did take a turn for the better lastnight when things calmed down and we actually talked.
Seems I was an angel and always right (after he reads this I think I will be back in the car in the forest) Things have be talked about, arranged hmmm cant say forgotten or forgiven as yet but hey its only day 2, we all know wars can go on for years.
Oh and this time I was not in my bright pink snoopy PJ's it looked more like a training suit... but still not warm at all..


Anonymous said...

Errrrr... I wish to stay anonymous, but I think you have a few things wrong here! :) Let me email you with a whole list of improvements! LOL

Anonymous said...

Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it.

Jill said...

Aww, smile girl! Things will not always stay this way. You know I love you more than life itself. But don't do anything stupid and find yourself back in Australia without the rest of your life with you! Miss you much!!