February 16, 2011

Lets paint!

I must have been brain dead at the time I let my daughter design and paint her own carnaval outfit! I was in a daze, she was holding up marker pens and small spray cans of paint asking if she could use them, I waved it off and said "sure love just be careful"oh my goodness I hould have been more alert, she was in the hall way on the hard wood floor spray painting her white overals, I must say she did do a very good job on her cloths, though the multi coloured, glitter covered wooden floor does not look so good at all!!!
There is an outline on the floor of her overals and I did tell her to put paper down though she thought 1 page of the news paper was enough, how she figured that out I got no clue, needless to say her pocket money will be paying to repair the floor but we will deal with that after carnaval as the multi coloured floor does go well with all the decorations in the house, it gives the place a real party feel.
After the party it will not be so good and I will not be so happy about it, maybe I should buy a new rug for the floor in the meantime

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