October 17, 2008

Ohhh shut up!

Like many others in the world I find life hard sometimes, you know them days, you just want to throw the towel in, throw your arms up and think "what's next?"
I do not have time to be down there is to much in life to do and life is to short, I also have people relying on me, like my daughter.
Lately I have heard crap from people about how sad their life is, "ohh I got to spend my saved money on bills so now I can not take a vacation," ohh I have a great paying job but my phone bill is huge, Oh these elections, oh me me me SHUT THE HELL UP...the world does not revolve around you.
I am not saying peoples problems are any lighter then mine, I am not judging peoples problems I am judging the bloody bitching, why stress and worry about things you self inflict or can not change. Go on keep bitching about it raining am sure mother nature will listen and make the sun come out, WAKE THE FUCK UP, your phone bill is high? well do not call as much, got to spend vacation money on bills, again do not run the bills up so much and think yourself lucky you can actually save for a vacation.
I am refusing to listen to this shit any more that has simple answers, answer is, live within you means, vote for who you like and worship your god (if you have one) and get on with life.


Anonymous said...

You're in the wrong hobby if you don't like bitching - especially with blogexplosion. Blogs are about discharging pent up fuel whether it be self-inflicted or not. It feels good to vent. And speaking of venting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if your post isn't bitching, I don't know what is.

It is human nature to think that nobody's problems can be worse than our own. Humans are selfish by default and we DO think that the world revolves around us whether we deny it or not.

Additionally, if other people are bitching, they have no time to listen to us - which is why people hate others who bitch. ;-)

Cromely said...

It seems an awful lot of people would rather complain about their lives than take steps to change them. When you take the step to change something, you become responsible for your successes and failures.

Most people, it seems would rather take the easy road to mediocrity and complain, than to actually to the work and strive for excellence.

Anonymous said...

It's good to have a bitch now and again... but some people take it to the limit of total self obsorbtion. There's havng bitch and letting it out and then there are some who just have an emotional brain dump and complain about every little thing like it's a major catastrophe, "Oh My God, they gave me my Prada shoes in the shop and they were the wrong size so I had to walk 50 yards back to the shop to get the right size ones, my life is over", You go some nice shoes.... what's your problem. As for blogs being "about discharging pent up fuel".... yep... maybe your right.... perhaps blogs are nothing more than little voices shouting into the darkness, looking for attention.

Dougist said...

Ok, so now I know how to get to the other side!

(Will there be a toll for that as well?)

btw: love your blog
