February 26, 2008

Hello you there?

Dear Jill,
I know you know I love you, your my best friend in the whole entire world! I would jump in front of a bullet for you or even a train, heck I will leap a building in one single.... hmm hold on that is all superman, Ok lets start again

Dear Jill,
I love you with everything I am, I try to give you everything your heart desires and you know if you ask anything from me that I would do anything in my power to get it, remember the time you asked for every star in the sky? I thought I could do it, I went to the local hardware store to buy all the ladders and the rope to join them together, then you told me it was only a joke.
Jill, my lovely, sexy, best friend in the whole wide world Jill, listen to my words I mean them all but I am also going to kick your butt because there is a 6 hours difference from where you are right now and where I am and it is darn well 2am in the morning here and I MISS YOU!!! get back here!!!!

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