November 19, 2007

Now He listens part 2

Well it seems he "listened" but it seems he is not so darned well smart!!
You see when I think of hiding places I do not thing the normal ways, let me give you some examples, I have once placed my secret money stash in the seam of curtains, yes I undone the sewing and slipped the paper money in. When putting together an IKEA flat pack I have put important papers in it while building it, make note here I do not do it anymore as you all know it now, and it was also papers I knew I would not need for years! well chances are never need them but hey!
So lets think, Richard "listened" and hide the scales, ok under the bed would be to obvious and in the deep freezer is just stupid. So any guesses where else would be so obvious that I could find them? well let me tell you with a little story.
It is getting very cold here in The Netherlands and we have an open fire, I totally love the open fire and with every chance I get I will put the fire on, so the other day we got some wood and I started the fire, while pulling out the wood storage box from under the fireplace I was shocked (not really) to see my bathroom scales there, NOW a hint to all you mean, stop being so bloody obvious, see why females can hide affairs better then men? You all are not to smart!! This is also why the female always does the Sint thing, Santa and Easter bunny, so ask your parents who always hide the gifts so no one could find them, Darned sure it was not the male!!!!
So to the comments made on my last entry

DutchBitch said...

LOL... he's a good boy afterall... ** I don't know about that Bitch you got no idea how he is the rest of the time.**

WaG! said...

And now she found them! Great... *grmbl* **yes because you lack imagination**

And a good boy "afterall"? Wondering what she's been telling about me now... **only the truth**

Angry said...

You do know, don't you, that there is a BIG difference between hearing and listening. Men hear very well, we're just very poor listeners. ** Angry we know, as you know there is a BIG difference in what you want and what you get, also what you need and what you want ~grins~

...That Bitchy Chick said...

You're ahead of me...I don't even own any scales. And I wasn't too fond of your scales either, by the way! lol **I am not fond of them truthfully just the numbers getting smaller and smaller, just wish every number off my scales was added to my bank account**

WaG! said...

Ladies... There is a HUGE difference between "hearing" and "wanting to understand what a woman says"...

*hides quickly now* **there is no use hiding I know where you sleep, Though you have a point, though who the hell do you think invented selective hearing? Us females can multi task as where the only multi tasking men can do is reading on the toilet and pooping, or spanking the monkey and thinking of someone else, other then that I think you are lost, no wait, beer drinking and car racing at the same time, you get my drift, lock your door tonight while you sleep or sleep with 1 eye open**

Can anyone tell I am hormonal and bitchy right now?
anyways back to happy thought I am going to go shower, gym then post a poem I just wrote!!!


WaG! said...

You forget something, logic. Sorry, but it IS true... I hid them while you were home. So NO change on going up with our creaking stairs. So somewhere downstairs it is! Three good options:
1) In the car, where they will bang the sh*t out of my booth - a NONO!
2) Somewhere were they MAY not be found until I can rehide them (damn you, leave the house for an hour will you, but no! Not this week!)
3) Throw them away... Hmm... Nope, not an option!
Yep, don't believe me, but I did want to rehide them somewhere in the attic. And since you know how the attic is, you know the changes would be big even I would not find them again ;) Would have made a wonderfull blog though :P

WaG! said...

An update: Such a pity that you are not home! And what a coincidence we talked again today about me not listening (ahum)... And you also made fun of me not being able to hide things well for a hormonal woman? Well, have I got a surprise for you! :)

Go ahead and find the scales this time! :) Find them before friday 6pm and I will treat you to a lovely romantic diner at home... Maybe care for some lovely sushi maybe? And yes, I will clean too ;)

*giggles* Love you :)

Jill said...

If I help her find the scales via MSN can I have some sushi too please?????????? Please????????? OMG I want some more of Richard's famous sushi!!!!!!!! Yum!! I wonder how many punctuation marks I can put in one comment??????? !!!!! :::::::: Quite a few actually. Ok, this isn't helping find the scales. Now I'm going to have to do a mental walk-through of your house and see what I come up with!!

Shy said...

Well here is my update, not looking for them, don't want a romantic dinner, Jill can come back to have the dinner and sushi lol

Anonymous said...

Ha! He has no clue which image of him has been "sketched"... We'll never tell him, right?

Anonymous said...

And SHE DOES know where you sleep... so beware... you know how sharp her heels are, right? I mean: you've seen 'm

WaG! said...

1) No matter what image it is, it is never good for me DutchBitch!
2) She knows where I sleep yes, in MY house :P (very conveniently called "our house" if she treats me a bit nice sometimes)
3) Those heels are bought from money... Guess...? Yep... And my heavy boots are also repaired, so I am prepared now!

(damn, I am a minority here I see...)