December 15, 2006

So I have been away, who gives a $hit

So I have been away, no one really missed me or gives a crap..
So lets see what has happened since I last posted.

1. I have had to stop work due to a back injury and it is not getting any better so I may not be able to work for a very long time.
2. My ex is still being an arse.
3. Richard totaled the car and insurance does not cover it.
4. We are suing town where Richard had the accident because it is not normal for wankers to put a huge metal sewage pipe in the middle of the road around a blind corner!
5. Due to my bad back, Richards car accident we were made to buy a new car, with excellent power steering.
6. Richard had an operation and I had to play nurse for a week (Not good seeing I am sadistic)
7. My pet rabbit is getting really old and now she lives inside so she does not die from the cold.
8. Australia is on bloody fire!
9. School sucks (still)
10. Started to TRY to lose weight I am getting freakishly over weight, it is far beyond a joke!
11. I have been living with a headache for 6 weeks now and its really starting to piss me off
12. My mother contacted me for the first time in year, damn I wish she didn't!
13. Because of my back I have had to think of ways to make ends meet so I have started a hobby that I stopped years ago. I am writing on rice, names, messages and so on, just wait I bet next my eyesight will go!!

I am sure more has happened but hey who gives a crap.

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