June 19, 2006

Back to work thank goodness!

It is Monday thank goodness, back to work and normal life.
I heard enough about how everyone's father is the best when really mine is even though I have not seen him for 10 years and miss him so very much
Enough of having to visit people because "it's the right thing to do" I really dislike these kind of days because you are made to feel like you HAVE TO visit people.
Yes back to work where I feel safe!
My boss is the best boss ever, she just got back from 2 weeks vacation and I missed her and could not wait til she was back so we can sit, drink coffee and talk ok let the truth me known bitch about people and a little work also :-)
Yesterday was also my daughter birthday, Hugo my best friend (male version) drove with me to her fathers house, I am actually not allowed to see her right now so Hugo dropped off her gifts, It was a lovely drive (2 hours) the sun was shining the top down , wind through my hair, lovely.
It was all ok til I got to the road of my ex's my heart started pounding I got chest pains, problems breathing (a usual these days when I am stressed or nervous) everything worked out well.
Talked to my daughter later in the day and she said the dance floor with the flashing lights was the best gift she got, stick that in your pipe and smoke it ex husband you are meant to be her caregiver and you don't even know what the fuck she likes! he got her a new bike and his mother for her an alarm clock, goes without saying really seeing she refuses to get up in the mornings to actually get her grandchild, dressed, fed and off to school.

Anyways, I love you Alia glad you loved your gifts they were all bought with love and you in mind, Miss you and hope to see you soon mijn monstertje

Daddy not forgetting you, your the best dad in the world and 10 years is to long, time to make a trip home to the land down under! Happy fathers day

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