August 13, 2010

Topping on the cake

Ever had the feeling that no matter what the heck you do or how hard you work you can never get ahead? Well I was getting what I thought was ahead, my stress level was going down, I was relaxing, I could see light at the end of the tunnel but then..........
today I got a phone call that blew that right out of the water!
So I guess I have 2 choices, let it get me down, scream, cuss and kick something and move on or i can just let it go, deal with it and move on, but in doing that it will just drive me to work even harder and to reach for that dream of mine that is coming closer and closer every day, so back to work I guess, it is only 1:20am so not bed time yet right ?

1 comment:

Annette said...

Throw a quick little (private) tantrum and then move on. That's what I do. It gets the negative out instead of festering inside.

Keep reaching for your dreams.