August 22, 2008

Do you blame me?

Ohh my goodness, I travel a lot and today was one of them days where I sat over 5 hours in the car, in traffic jams and today with the added bonus of rain and thunderstorms!
So the first 30 minutes went well, traffic jam and stuck next to a guy picking his nose, he was about up to his elbow.
I have a habit of screaming at people even when they do not hear me, the comments I have made today I can not repeat here without a lot of BEEPS.
I just can not believe that all the expensive cars out either go soooooo bloody slow or so fast you can not even see them coming and on top of it I have come to the conclusion that expensive cars have an option to buy that little damned orange flashing light that most use then changing lanes!!!
I could rant and rave all night about it but well I have not got the energy, when over taking use that bloody orange flashing light and remember to get back into the right lane and for goodness sakes stop picking your nose in traffic jams!!!!

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