May 25, 2006

It's Magic!

Ok, I said I was trying to get in a good mood and out of the bitch state of mind, so I done something that usually brings me out of a down day.
Today I went to the Efteling *smiles* yet again, it is only about the 8th time this season, the park only opened April 1 so I have got more then my moneys worth with my season pass. I was thinking it would be busy and we would be waiting hours just to go on a ride ! I was wrong , it was very quiet and the atmosphere was uplifting. One man on each arm and off we went, ride after ride, ice cream after ice cream, snacks and a great time!
We (Hugo and I) took Richard on ride that he never thought he would go on, Richard has a fear of falling so not rollercoasters that have loops, Hugo and I love them but we started small today for Richard just little baby steps, Well Richard liked every ride we went on there it a rollercoaster it's indoors and pitch black (Vogel Rok) Richard liked it a lot and me ? I am a huge fan of it, heck I am a fan of the Efteling, I have even started collecting all their badges and pins, so just incase you come across one in your day to day life I will trade you an Efteling pin for a necklace just check out what one you want please note my webpage is in the middle of a face lift so hang in there and promise when you come back to visit something would have changed


Anonymous said...

mmm was glad to be part of it.. i do hope more relaxing days like this will come.

Anonymous said...

Well you can have your Efteling...I can go to Walt Disney World anytime my heart desires!!! :P~~~~~ LOL I'm glad you all three had a good time. I know how Richard feels...I'm not a roller coaster kinda girl either. You definitely sound like you're in a better mood!